WINY BOX WEB AD / 2 x 1’30 produced by Hotanka Prod. Client : Vente à la propriété with Jacques CHAMBON & Bruno FONTAINE
FILM CORNÉE Scientific comedy film 3 min. 35 produced for INSERM with Patrick ZARD’ and Sabine MOINDROT INSERM Aberdam’s team discovered a unique way to recreate cornea.
LA MINUTE DU CHEF AKRAME WEBDOC / 7 x 2 min. « La Minute du Chef Akrame » cooking lessons by Akrame Benallal produced by Champagnes de Vignerons. Parisian Chef Akrame Benallal teaches you his best and fast recipes, and recommends you the champagne to go with.
AUBE, SOYEZ SURPRIS ! WEB ADS / 3 x 2′ « Aube, soyez surpris ! » Short fictions to promot tourism in the Aube, french departement. produced by Shoot the Boss Client : Comité du Tourisme de l’Aube. Gérard and Marguerite, a parisian couple, are going fishing at Amance Lake.